Heat Resistant Multi Core PVC Insulated 8: sheathed Flexible Cables
Reference : 0.5 sq mm to 4 sq mm - 309-Y
Conductor :0.5 sq mm to 4 sq mm - 309-Y
Insulation :PYC Type TI 3 to BS: 7655
Lay»up :Cores are twisted
Sheath :PYC Type TM 3 to BS: 7o55
Cores :
2 core - brown, blue , 3 core - brown, blue, green/yellow,
A core — brown, blue, black, green/yellow,
5 core — brown. blue, black, Black, green/yellow ,
As per new Harmonised Code:
2 core — brown, blue
3 core — brown. blue, green/yellow
4 core - brown, black, grey. green/yellow
5 core - brown. black, grey, blue, green/yellow
White. black, grey
other colors available on request
Max. Operating Temperature Rated Voltage Standards 2 105°C 10.5 sq mm to A sq mm — 300/500V 6.0 sq mm to 25 sq mm — 600/l000V :BS: 6141